- Prior Art searches
- Preparation and prosecution of Japanese and foreign patent applications
- Appeal procedure
- Suit against appeal
- Trial for invalidation
- Patentability and infringement opinions
- License agreement
- Infringement litigation
Utility Models
- Prior Art searches
- Preparation and prosecution of Japanese and foreign utility model applications
- Trial for invalidation
- Suit against appeal
- Trial for invalidation
- Infringement opinions
- License agreement
- Infringement litigation
- Design searches
- Preparation and prosecution of Japanese and foreign design applications
- Appeal procedure
- Suit against appeal
- Trial for invalidation
- Infringement opinions
- License agreement
- Infringement litigation
- Trademark searches
- Preparation and prosecution of Japanese and foreign trademark applications
- Appeal procedure
- Suit against appeal
- Trial for invalidation
- Patentability and infringement opinions
- License agreement
- Infringement litigation